2. Scroll down to the Finance section and select the End of Financial Year for your company
3. Use Markup or Margin: Choose Markup if you add a certain amount to the costs of goods or Margin if you wish to add a percentage to the costs of goods. Use the options from the dropdown list
4. GST Number: Enter the Goods Service Tax Number of your company
5. Integrated Financial System: The Integrated Financial System can be none, Xero or MYOB for Accounts, Tax Information, Billing, Invoicing and Contacts. When you select Xero/ MYOB, the system will prompt you to authorize the Xero or MYOB account. You must log in to the accounts in order to link them with 3PM. Xero integration
6. Financial System Organisation: Once you authorize the Xero account, the dropdown list gives you the option to connect to your Financial System Organisation Master of Clients and Suppliers: if the Master of client and supplier is "3PM" then the user can edit the Client Name and Account Number in the Client and Supplier Area, but if the field is "Financial System," the user cannot edit those fields in client and supplier. Invoices or Bills can be exported as draft or Approved.