How to Setup Timesheet and Jobsheet Entry Settings
This article will explain the Timesheet and Jobsheet Entry Settings features
Note: Timesheet and Jobsheet Entry Settings are configurations that determine how timesheets and Jobsheets are managed within a system or organization. Enabling or disabling these options or features will have an impact on the user interface of the Timesheet and Jobsheet forms.
Go to Timesheet and Jobsheet Entry Settings
Allow Multiple Projects Per Jobsheet: Multiple tasks can be included in 1 timesheet or Jobbsheet Entry
☑️Allow Multiple Staff Per Jobsheet: The feature "Allow Multiple Staff Per Jobsheet" would allow users to add multiple staff members under tasks within a Jobsheet. By enabling this option, the system would support assigning and tracking multiple staff members who are involved in completing tasks in a Jobsheet
☑️Only Allow Entry for Assigned Project: The Staff member can only see the projects that are assigned to them in the Timesheet or Jobsheet
☑️Only Allow Entry from Login Field Staff: Enabling this feature means when submitting a timesheet or Jobsheet, a field staff member cannot change the staff selected.
☑️Combine Dates and Times: The feature "Combine Dates and Times" would involve merging the start date and time fields of a Timesheet into a Start Time field.
☑️Allow Comments in Tasks: Enabling this feature will add a Notes Section under each Task on Jobsheet
☑️Allow Comment in Timesheets: Enabling this feature will add a Comment Section under Timesheet
☑️Allow Manual Entry of Hours into Jobsheets: When this feature is enabled, the task no longer requires the entry of a start time or end time. Instead, you can simply specify the labour hour in Jobsheet
☑️Allow Timesheet Entries Across Multiple Days: This feature allows users to enter task entries that span across multiple days. It proves particularly useful for users who work night shifts
☑️Jobsheet End Date Always Same as Start Date: When Enabling this feature Jobsheet will have only Start Date but no End Date
☑️Select Project in Timesheets: Enabling this feature allows you to choose the project for the timesheet when creating it.
☑️Allow Timesheet Entry Overlaps: When this option is enabled the start and end Time of the task can be overlapped with each other
Update Settings to Save
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