How to Setup Timesheet and Jobsheet Operation Settings

How to Setup Timesheet and Jobsheet Operation Settings

Please follow the steps below to configure Timesheet and Jobsheet Operation Settings
  1. Navigate to the Web Portal and login
  2. On the left-hand main menu, select Timesheet-> Timesheet Settings
  3. Go to the TImesheet and Jobsheet Operations Settings. 
  4. Select Task Entries Create Payroll Hours from Timesheet Hours Plan
    Timesheets and Jobsheets
  5. Enabling the "Timesheet Separate from Job Sheet" option in the Timesheets and Jobsheets section ensures that when you add a new timesheet, it will not contain any task entries or job sheet entries

  6. Enabling the "Timesheets Contain Jobsheet Entries" option ensures that when you create a new timesheet, it will include the task section. This allows you to add tasks and track time within the Timesheet

  7. Enabling the "Task Entries Create Payroll Hours" option allows the payroll hours and costs to be calculated based on the task entries. When this option is turned on, the system will use the recorded task entries to determine the corresponding payroll hours for each employee. The Timesheet Start Time and End Time will be disabled
    The Timesheet Start Time and End Time will be disabled

  8. By Enabling the "Task Entries Separate from Payroll Hours" option, the payroll hours and costs will be calculated based on the start time and end time specified in the Timesheet. The time entered for individual task entries will not be considered in these calculations.
  9. When you choose the option "Plant Hours are Separate to Task Entry," the plant usage and hours are not included in the timesheet. Instead, you need to enter the plant usage details under the dedicated "Plant Hours" section

  10. When you choose to "Allocate Plant Per Task Entry" then Task has the option to include Assets (Plant/Vehicle) and AssetHours into the Task of the Timesheet

  11. When you choose to "Allocate lants per job entry", the Jobsheet will include the "Plant Used" section. This section will allow you to track the plant usage and asset hours within each specific task of the Jobsheet

  12. Calculating Plant Hours can be Time, Meter, or based on IOT Device
  13. Enabling the "Allow General Tasks in Jobsheets" option creates a "General Task" section within the Jobsheet. This section allows you to include general tasks that are not specific to any particular job or project like traveling, Training etc
  14. Enabling the "Allow Job Delay" option in Jobsheets adds a "Job Delay" section where you can describe any delays encountered during the job. This section allows you to provide information about the delay duration and the reason for the delay
  15. Enabling the "Allow Images in Jobsheets" option allows you to upload images directly within the Jobsheet along with corresponding descriptions 
  16. Allow Rain Day Management: Enabling this option will make the "Rained Off" selection available in the Timesheet form if the job gets canceled.
  17. Update Settings to Save

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