Enter Project Name and Description
You can add an Internal Project Number to identify the Project
Choose the Client Name or Click on Add New Client to create one
Choose the Client's Project location/Site or Click on Add New Site to create a site
Enter the Start Date and End Date of the Project
Enter the Address of the Project
If the "Require Customer Signature" option is selected, then when the staff creates a jobsheet for the project, the customer's signature will be necessary
Enter essential contact Numbers - Hospital, Civil Defense, Power, and Fault Phone under Team and H&S information
Add Site Checklist Items
Choose the Project Manager's Name if required
Choose the Supervisor's Name if required
Choose the Safety Manager's Name if required
Choose the Trainer First Aider
Add the Work Permits available
Notify Delay: The project manager or Supervisor can track delays and decide from there hope they want to handle the delay. It might not affect the competition date. They will just want to be able to tally the causes of delays
Assign Staff to Project to access
Under Work Schedule, You can add the Work Center and Work Category. Once you select the Work Centre and Work Category it will display the related Work Activities
You have the option to manually input values for "Amount", "Total GST", and "Total including GST", or you can enter values for "Qty" and "Rate" under "Work Activities" and the software will automatically calculate and update the corresponding values for "Amount", "Total GST", and "Total including GST"
Work Activities are automatically loaded here but you can add more activities or Edit the Activity Name, Add the Description
Add the Quantity, Rate, choose a Unit and the Total will be calculated automatically
Under the Project Files section, you can upload any file which is related to Project like the Project plan or Site Plan etc.
Submit to save the Project